This week is Valentine's Day and if you are anything like me you are probably scrambling to come up with something good for that special person in your life. This year, I actually have figured out what I was going to do ahead of time. I can't tell you what I got my husband this year because he is my number one supporter and will for sure not only see this, but read it!
You don't have to go all out to show your man how much you love him. The best thing you can do is find out what each other's love languages are and do things that speak to your significant other's love language. For my husband and I gift giving is not out love language. Some years we have only bought each other a card and picked up our favorite take out. For us, that is what works! If gift giving is part of your significant other's love language I have a few great ideas for you. If it's not I have some ideas for you too!
Words of Affirmation: If this is your husbands love language write him a love letter. TELL him how much he means to you. Men don't always tell us what they need from us, but sometimes they just need to hear it!
Acts of Service: Our men work so hard and sometimes they don't get credit for just how much they do. Is there something he has on his to do list that he hasn't been able to do lately? Is it something you can do? If yes, then do it! Surprise him! If not do something like cooking him dinner so he can relax when he comes home from work.
Receiving Gifts: If this is his love language, I've got you covered! Put together a fun gift basket of his few favorite things plus some other goodies! Things like cologne, his favorite drink, candy, junk food, fun socks, car freshies, and Man Junk Bags make GREAT gifts that we promise he will love! If you need some help with this stop by the store and we would love to help you put something fun together for him. We still have some socks, car freshies and a few man junk bags to choose from!
Quality Time: One of my favorite things. This is mine and my husbands top love language. Especially now that we have two kids it feels even more important to make time to spend together. Plan a special time for just the two of you. It doesn't always have to be a big "get a sitter" type date. Sometimes our favorite thing to do is just curl up on the couch and watch Parks and Recreation after the kids are both asleep. Other times we take the time to go to dinner with no kids so that we can enjoy each other and adult conversation.
Quality Time: One of my favorite things. This is mine and my husbands top love language. Especially now that we have two kids it feels even more important to make time to spend together. Plan a special time for just the two of you. It doesn't always have to be a big "get a sitter" type date. Sometimes our favorite thing to do is just curl up on the couch and watch Parks and Recreation after the kids are both asleep. Other times we take the time to go to dinner with no kids so that we can enjoy each other and adult conversation.
Physical touch: Let's be honest... probably the number one love language for most men. I don't need to tell you what to do, we try to keep it PG around here. Just make the effort and surprise him!
I hope this gave you some good ideas to surprise your sweetie. It isn't always about the gift, but the thought and making the effort to show your loved one how much they mean to you. We hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day with the one you love the most!