After God made the world and man, He looked around and knew something was missing, so He made a woman.


Just like Adam, God made my husband and knew something was missing, so He made me.


I was not made just to be a #bossbabe.


I was made to be a wife.


I was made to be a mother.


Those things do not make me any less.


I was made to show women just how incredible they are and make them feel beautiful for who they are.


—-> Even though I run a very successful business; I cannot tell you how many comments I get about being just a SAHM. <—-


I am so much more than that, and so are you!


We live in a world were Feminism is shoved into our faces and if you choose to be a SAHM you are made to feel not good enough.


That is simply not true.


God made you specifically and gave you an incredible purpose.


 You. Are. Enough.


Whether you are a CEO, #bossbabe, a Teacher, or want to stay home with your babies, you are so purposeful.


God made YOU to be a WOMAN.


 Order Your Tee Today!


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